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"HAJJ"  Hajj or pilgrimage is every Muslim's dream. Every believer dreams in his life to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, where the Kaaba is located - the main shrine of Islam, and Medina, where the grave of the Prophet Muhammad ï·º is located. The Kaaba was built during the life of the prophet Adam, then during the flood, it was destroyed, after which it was restored by Abraham (the prophet Ibrahim) together with his son Ismail. The tradition of making a pilgrimage dates back to the time when the prophet Ibrahim lived, even before Islam, the ancient Arabs made a pilgrimage to her.   

In the form in which the Hajj exists today, it was formed already during the time of the Prophet Muhammad ï·º, and the Messenger of Allah ï·º himself made his only pilgrimage in his life in 632, which was called “farewell”.

For every Muslim, the Hajj is a duty, and if a person is not able to perform the Hajj himself during his life, then he should send his deputy to make the pilgrimage. Women can go on Hajj only when accompanied by a man. It is prescribed to perform the Hajj in the month of Zul Hajjah according to the Islamic calendar, is two months and ten days after the end of Ramadan. Hajj consists of certain rituals.

Hajj gathers in Mecca every year more than ten million pilgrims come to this city from all over the world. This event strengthens Muslim unity and strengthens ties. During the Hajj, pilgrims of all classes and income levels wear the same white garment or ihram. According to Islam, if a Muslim performs the Hajj correctly, it removes all his sins from him.

After the end of the Hajj, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha   or Eid al-Adha, which is one of the main holidays in Islam.

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