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 Muslim rules

Speaking about such a concept as the rules of Muslims, most often they mean those customs and traditions that historically have developed among Muslims not only in a religious context but also at the everyday level. This happens for the simple reason that everyday life for Muslims is closely connected with religion, with religious regulations, rules, and laws. All those rituals that accompany funerals, weddings, or other large and important events in the life of Muslims are often reflected in all strata of life.

Mandatory cases

If the question of the rules of Muslims is being discussed, then it is necessary to mention those of them that occupy the most important place in the life of a Muslim: the obligatory prayer (namaz), which a Muslim must necessarily perform five times a day, and ablution, which must be done before prayer. A man must definitely visit the mosque on Friday. We should be removing our shoes when we enter the mosque.

Sharia rules regarding clothing provide that a man does not expose his body from the navel to the knees, however, it is highly undesirable for men to expose the torso. Women's clothing should completely cover the body of a Muslim woman, it is allowed to leave only the face and hands open according to Sharia, while clothing for both men and women should not be tight or transparent.

In the context of Muslim rules, the tax (zakat) that Muslims pay in favor of the poor is also mentioned.

The duties of Muslims include observing fasting for a month, which is done annually. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims observe some rules that are dictated by the religion of Islam: during the day, Muslims refuse to eat, do not drink, and also avoid intimacy.

According to Sharia, Muslims must make a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) at least once in their lives, if they have such an opportunity for health reasons and having financial resources.

In nikah - a wedding ceremony, there are also some rules that must be observed: nikah is read, as a rule, by the imam of the mosque or a knowledgeable person, the bride's guardian, two witnesses must be present and the consent of the bride and groom is also required. The role of the imam is to witness, as well as to remind the rights in the marriage of a man and a woman and to preach with the instruction to lead a family life in prosperity by Islam.

There are also rules for the burial of dead Muslims - a special prayer for burial is carried out, which is called Janaza prayer. This namaz is recited by a group of people.         

5 Muslim rules

Summing up the above, we can single out 5 mandatory actions in the life of every Muslim and Muslim woman, which form the foundation of Islam, all other actions, actions are inextricably linked with the implementation of these five points, without which the faith of a Muslim will be flawed:

1. Evidence and recognition of the Oneness of God and recognition that Muhammad is His prophet and messenger who brought the last final Scripture to humanity - the Quran;

2. Performing the obligatory five times prayer;

3.Prohibition of fasting in the month of Ramadan;

4. Payment of compulsory alms - zakat;

5. Making a pilgrimage to the Kaaba at least once in a lifetime, if there is such an opportunity

 Rules that should become a habit of a Muslim 

  1. Daily Quran reading. A Muslim should not only read the Koran every day but also interpret it correctly, meditate on it. The Quran contains everything a Muslim needs to know about his life. By spending hours reading the Qur'an and thinking about it, a Muslim strengthens his iman. For the heart of every Muslim, the Quran acts as a medicine and a navigator that leads a person to the righteousness and contentment of Allah Almighty.
  2. Remember Allah all the time, no matter where and what time he is. The remembrance of Allah should be done with the words "AlhamdulilLah", "Allah u Akbar", "Subhan Allah" and "La ilaha illaLah". By making the remembrance of Allah, a Muslim gains the pleasure of Allah and understands that everything that he has and what surrounds him is given to him by Allah
  3. Give alms, remembering that the Mercy of Allah is all-embracing, and the Almighty loves all those who are merciful to his creatures. This is not necessarily monetary charity, even a good deed or just a smile can become a charity, sadaka. The hand of the giver is the sure way to the pleasure of Allah. The words of the Prophet Muhammad are quoted that every good deed is charity. Prophet Muhammad ï·º said that every Muslim should give alms, and even if he has nothing, then “Let him work with his own hands, benefit himself and give alms” (Bukhari)
  4. Do not waste time doing empty activities at your leisure. A Muslim should not waste precious minutes on such useless activities as video games or watching TV. Time is the amanat of Allah Almighty, and every believer will be held accountable at the Last Judgment for exactly how he spends his free time in front of the Almighty. Spending your free time as it will be right in front of the Observing Allah is another chance to earn the pleasure of Allah Almighty
  5. Avoid extremes. Islam is a religion that adheres to moderation, and the believer should not go beyond the boundaries of reason
  6. The religion of Islam puts forward requirements for the believer regarding his not only spiritual but also physical health. The Holy Book of the Koran contains prescriptions, following which Muslim believers will be able to maintain their own physical and mental health at a good level. These prescriptions are simple, as are the habits they develop: sleep enough not to oversleep the prayer time, eat right to keep your body in good shape, and then you can worship Allah Almighty to the fullest.

  7. Reading the life story of the Prophet Muhammad ï·º, who was the best of all people, and therefore his life is an example to be followed to find his way to the pleasure and mercy of Allah. The more knowledge about the Almighty a believer receives, the more his love for the Messenger of Allah increases ï·º. The history of Islam goes back many centuries, and overall these centuries, members of the Muslim ummah have formed certain habits and ethics of behavior that characterize the representatives of the entire Islamic world. A certain set of rules can be derived from this ethics, which is a guideline for Muslims around the world in their spiritual and everyday life.

  8. Avoid dubious things. The believer avoids forbidden acts, but he also tries to keep away from doubtful things. Abu Abdullah al-Nu'manman bin Bashir testified that the Prophet Muhammad ï·º spoke about the dubious, which is between the forbidden and the permissible, and many people have no idea what is dubious. But the person who deals with the dubious will come to commit the forbidden, for which he will be held accountable at the Last Judgment. This is told in a reliable hadith narrated by Muslims and Bukhari.

  9. Another important rule that follows from the previous one is not to observe what is forbidden. The believer should not even look at what is forbidden, as this can lead to sexual attraction or lust, which leads to the temptation to commit sin. The Almighty conveyed through the Prophet Muhammad ï·º that believing men should lower their eyes and protect their chastity, and women should look away and also protect their chastity. This rule also implies a prescription, which prohibits women from flaunting their charms, leaving only their face and hands exposed. This rule for women is designed to protect them from attacks on their honor so that they cannot be confused with harlots. The veil that the woman is covered with is not evidence of male power over her, as some think about it, this rule exists only to protect the woman herself.

  10. Avoid profanity and swearing, even when alone with yourself and at home. The believer should avoid words that disfigure his speech. But not only curses can disfigure a person's speech: slander, useless arguments, and bickering are all useless words, and according to the precepts of Islam, a person should only speak when he tries to say something useful. If a person has doubts about what he is going to say, then he should weigh and think whether it is worth saying. In many cases, he should remain silent than saying something that may be prohibited or may be misinterpreted by his listeners.

  11. Striving to be modest, conscientious, but also truthful and not hide the truth. Modesty and conscience keep a person from interfering in other people's affairs, and these same qualities prevent a person from raising his voice or slandering another person. Prophet Muhammad ï·º said that faith has more than sixty branches, and one of the branches of faith is modesty. This is stated in a reliable hadith narrated by Bukhari.

  12. Be friendly and patient with other people. A person must do good deeds, be patient with other people, this rule has been formed in the Muslim ummah since the times when the spread of Islam was accompanied by oppression, trials, humiliation, and difficulties. Not everyone will be able to spread Islam both then and now, because this requires patience and perseverance, which will not border on importunity. The words are given Almighty in surah "al-Hijr": We created the heavens, the earth, and everything in between, just for the sake of truth. The hour will certainly come. Therefore, goodbye them beautifully "(Surah Al-Hijr (Hijr), 85th ayat), and in Surah "az-Zumar" He says that at the Last Judgment patient, their reward will be rewarded completely without counting

  13. About telling the truth everywhere and always, Muslims have a certain rule or even a prescription: a believer should strive to speak the truth everywhere and always, even if this implies negative consequences and even danger. A person who lies has a weak soul, is demoralized, he opens his soul to the devil. Ibn Mas'ud cites the words of the Messenger of Allah ï·º, who said that a Muslim must adhere to the truth, and a lie leads to wickedness and to Hell. 

  14. An important rule for believers is tolerance and lack of pride: a believer should be tolerant of his fellows and not divide them for any reason. Prophet Muhammad ï·º said that a person who would have even the smallest grain of arrogance in his heart would not be allowed into Paradise.

  15. Avoid gossip and suspicion. Surah al-Hujurat says that true believers are brothers to each other, therefore brothers should be reconciled among themselves. Slander, gossip, suspicion are what every believer should avoid. Watching each other and cursing behind each other's backs is not in the rules of Muslims.

  16. In Muslim rules - generosity and the sacrifice of one's own soul in the name of Allah Almighty. Much is said about charity in The Islamic world, and in the most sacred Book of the Koran, the close connection between charity and faith is mentioned many times, that the hand of the giver will always deserve the mercy and pleasure of Allah.

  17. In Muslim rules - generosity and the sacrifice of one's own soul in the name of Allah Almighty. Much is said about charity in the Islamic world, and in the most sacred Book of the Koran, the close connection between charity and faith is mentioned many times, that the hand of the giver will always deserve the mercy and pleasure of Allah.

In Muslim rules - generosity and the sacrifice of one's own soul in the name of Allah Almighty. Much is said about charity in The Islamic world, and in the most sacred Book of the Koran, the close connection between charity and faith is mentioned many times, that the hand of the giver will always deserve the mercy and pleasure of Allah.

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