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The third pillar of Islam: the obligatory donation of Zakat.  Zakat is a charity or tax of 2.5% for one year, which is paid from their property to those Muslims in need. According to the interpretation of the faiths, the term “zakat” is interpreted as “cleansing from sin”.

Meccan suras interpret zakat as a blessing or charity, the provision of material assistance. If a Muslim is unwilling to pay zakat, then this is a grave sin in Islam and may even be considered apostasy. Zakat is paid by capable Muslims, and during the year the sums collected in this way are spent only in the district where they were collected. Received zakat: the poor, the collectors of zakat, the poor, the students, travelers who do not have the means to return home, those who deserve encouragement, and a number of other categories and individuals.

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